Monday, October 13, 2014

Romeo and Juliet Themes

We had a lot of fun yesterday talking about some of the themes in Romeo and Juliet.
This is what we discussed as a class. Each person had to stand on a continuum depending on what they believed. They also had to be ready to justify their views.

Leave a comment and share what you think. 

1. The punishment for murder should always be death.
2. Teenagers can’t understand what true love really is.
3. Killing someone in revenge for killing a close friend of yours is okay.
4. Good friends should stick together at all times no matter how wrong a friend may be.
5. Parents should make the decisions about their children’s lives.
6. It is possible to fall in love at first sight.
7. Telling lies or hiding the truth is acceptable for the right reasons.
8. Family feuds only affect adults.
9. There are times when arranged marriage is appropriate.


Todd Wellwood said...

No I think that the Punishment for murder should not always be death as some people may be innocent!

I think that teenagers can understand what true love is and can feel it or even experience it.

I Believe that no matter what you can't kill somebody for revenge because I believe that your dead friend wouldn't have wanted it and it shows you are no better than the person who killed your friend

I believe if somebody is truly a friend they will stick with you no matter what.

Parents should make the decisions about their children’s lives...... Heck NO. Its our life not theirs they got to make there own decisions so we get to make ours.

I do not believe you can ever fall in love with somebody at first sight without truly knowing who they are and what their personality is like.

Yes I think you can lie to spare somebody's feelings but just not for the sake of lying.

Family Feuds do not just affect adults. (I will not justify my reasons for this one as I believe this is private information only for my family and I to know)

Yes I believe that there are times when arranged marriages are ok as long as both sides of the party are ok with it

Anonymous said...

My favourite topic was, ' should parents make all the decisions about their children's lives?' It really made everyone think because, in some cases yes, a parents should because they know what's best. Imagine if a five year old had to decided everything in their life, it would not turn out very well. But on the other hand if the child is at a age were the could make smart choices I would say no, it's their life and they can choose what happens. Personally I would not be able to come to a decision over this question because there are so many different scenarios were a certain answer fits.
