Thursday, March 5, 2015

Love the sea and it will love you

Waves stampede towards the shore like a herd of wild horses
churning the sand below
Sand viciously whipped its way around the beach, a beige hurricane,

Locks of sand dune bushes whisper in the wind with unheard voices
Rocks and cliffs jut out of the ground warning you back

Oystercatchers prowl the beach stalking their shelled prey
Crabs nip and snip at your unprotected flesh challenging you to a duel
Seagulls soar high above riding the winds current diving down and alighting on silent wings

Burning sand charing my scorched toes
Freezing sea water hungrily lapping at my ankles
Elegant jelly fish floating effortlessly past my bare legs, only an inch away from a deadly sting

An Orca whale surges out of the water fueled by the thrill of the chase
Flying fish leap and scatter across the ocean surface
A dog black as night lopes far from his owner to greet a crab unaware of its visitor

 Hearing children's joyful yips and squeals as they race towards the sea
Parents crossly eying them as sand kicks onto their towels

Sun setting over the horizon as shadows dance beneath the ocean surface in an endless tangle of which no one could escape

Love the sea and the sea will love you, protect it ,
Nurture it and above all respect it
Light to dark, day to night the sea will always be there for us and we will always be there for the sea. 

By Auriel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Descriptive poem, Auriel. I could really understand what you were talking about.